"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's never too late

to make a resolution

I found this on swissmiss-- an absolutely darling New Year's Resolution Generator. And all the ones found on here so far are something worth doing-- any time of the year! Check it out

In any case, my resolutions:
  1. Take more risks
  2. Not be embarrassed at myself for anything
  3. Love God more (and show it)
  4. Quit junk food
  5. Be brave (enough to do #1)
  6. Be excited for each day-- yes, that will include going to class and learning
(Go ahead and tell me yours-- the buddy system works WONDERS)
Oh yeah--
7. Study with buddies for at least 2 of my classes ;p

and last but not least, courtesy of Kanye West:

8. Have stuck my dick inside that bitch until that bitch came. (Medical school applications)

Things that came up today:
  • New Year's Resolutions
  • Isabelli Fontana
  • Hunger
  • vacuuming
  • Denmark

1 comment:

Shadenonconform said...

haha at the Kanye reference. you're hilarious..

my new year's resolution(s) are:

1) To be more bold/step out of my comfort zone (i am really looking forward to enjoying this one)
2) have an expanded social network/life
3) dress appropriately (i need to cut wearing sweats all the time)
4) trust God more and truly believe in him.
5) be more confident in myself and not care what haters think...