"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Album Art

my friend showed me this in relation to the previous post of the flyer

UCLA CEC does it again

this flyer is amazing!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I've heard this word so many times and for some reason I either never looked it up or just never remembered what it means. Ina Garten (of the "Barefood Contessa") referred to an esoteric herb today-- and I just had to look it up. There was no way I would go through life not knowing anymore!

Surprisingly, this is a perfect word for me, and one that I will now surely incorporate into my elocution. I dont know if elocution is the right word...

Newsfeed #1

Sometimes people pop up on my Facebook NewsFeed with some great stuff. I'm going to start "Newsfeed" posts to highlight them

  • ‎"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."- Kahlil Gibran
  • if you hold your pride above everything, you're going to end up with nothing but your pride
  • She Wants Revenge - "Red Flags and Long Nights"
I realize this might conflict with my usual "Things that came up today:" endings. Hmm will have to work that out haha

OMG I'm Back!!

Welcome Welcome everyone! (Or am I just rewelcoming myself... hahah)

I took a rather long hiatus - with facebook, twitter, tumblr... I just felt like I was spreading myself too e-thin. And with the business of applying to med school, the drone of undergrad life that seems repetitive after the novelty that drove a lot of my earlier (and i mean EARLIER) posts somewhat wore off... I just fell out of the blogging habit.

I started a tumblr in the interim, which was actually never meant to be a "blog" nor do I still consider it one... I rarely write anything, its more like a dump of things I find, or capture myself, mostly visual. Somehow it got discovered, or maybe I exposed myself when following someone else's, and eventually that became my "blog" (ALTHOUGH ITS NOT). I'll try to find some way to sync that here, bec I feel like I'll continue dumping there.

Another reason I took a break from this blog was because I felt like I was lacking a consistent theme. But in my break, I realized, that's what I like about myself-- that I find interest in many things. And I trust that like my also very multifaceted friends, others do too.

SO I'M BACK. woop woop.