"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Friday, June 24, 2005

Current mood: detached

50 Tidbits about yours truly.

1. I wish I could be a better daughter.
2. I am overly analytical. Of everything.
3. One of my favorite things to do is wordplay with people I dont know
4. I'm deathly afraid of failure
5. I'm a perfectionist
6. Ive been through hypochondria and have come out a hypochondriac. Really.
7. My passion is the pencil.
8. My current goldfishs name is Crash Bravo, my last one was Phil Jackson, and my favorite was Train.
9. I pride myself in how long my goldfish live.
10. I deeply love my brother.
11. I am living only to get to what I think life is.
12. I am the definition of loyal and so, am often disappointed.
13. I am not optimistic, nor pessimisstic. I believe things happen for a reason, bad or good.
14. I talk really fast, and can get loud. I call it excitement.
15. In english class last year, I was the mastermind behind all klinger jokes, according to Randy.
16. I love making up bands that wont ever perform, and shows that will never air, and articles youll never read.
17. My first best friend was Priyanka Mantha.
18. I made up Cool Eye for the Bengali Guy and am damn proud. I am also proud to be able to share it with Nadia and Shemi.
19. Ever since middle school Ive been critical of the way I dress. But not so much anymore.
20. I've moved three times.
21. I dont like the attention I get for being me.
22. I like holding high standards.
23. I love smart people that use their brains to help their country.
24. I want to feed a family or 20 every thanksgiving in the future.
25. I believe in Fate.
26. I'm really not that lazy. Ok maybe a little.
27. I wish i was a lot closer with ... haha youre lucky if you know this one.
28. When I am intimidated by people, I start to.. wait.. Im not intimidated by people.
29. I have absolutely no idea if I am good-looking.
30. I put my mind into writing exquisite diary entries, and also into things I shouldnt put my mind into.
31. Even though i know, i say a LOT otherwise.
32. I believe in God.
33. I believe in fate more than anything. It gives an excuse for our mistakes.
34. I chose Zain to be my much needed godbrother, and Im very satisfied.
35. When listening to music I dont care who wrote the lyrics, but am extremely critical of the voice.
36. State tests say I'm more than a bit above par than normal people.
37. I love to think.
38. I believe God is the goal of the future. I believe the end will be the result.
39. I wont decide if Shakespeare was the bigger genius or Einstein was.
40. I love Chris Carraba but I really hate his right arm
41. I always adapt to change but I rarely initiate it.
42. I believe in the quote "Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there" and If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
43. I hate only one person in my life and hope that one day I can forgive her, because one is more than none.
44. The only thing I'm afraid of is that I just might not succeed.
45. The people I owe everything to are my mom, my dad, and yeah i guess my brother.
46. I wish I knew how airplanes fly, and if people really landed on the moon. I personally think it was all a big hoax.
47. I've been to Bangladesh and I think I want to go back.
48. I wish a president of some country would marry me.
49. I like telling people that i genuinely like that i like them.
50. I like your drive but youre only worth it if youre human.

Currently watching :
Fight Club
Release date: 16 March, 2004

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Retrosexual: Reverting back to the real man


Returning to the office this morning in foul temper; not enough sleep on the overnight flight caused by not enough whisky. Anyway, ploughing through my inbox, this little ‘beauty’ just sort of jumped out at me. One or two of you might have already seen it … on the other hand, one or two of you (I suspect) might just like it …


Please allow me to vent. I have had it. I've taken all I can stand And I
can't stand no more. Every time my TV is on, all that can be seen is
effeminate men prancing about, redecorating houses and talking about
foreign concepts like "style" and "feng shui." Heterosexual, homosexual,
bisexual, transsexual, metrosexual, non-sexual; blue, green, and

Real men of the world, stand up, scratch your arse, burp, and yell
"ENOUGH!" I hereby announce the start of a new offensive in the Culture
Wars, the Retrosexual movement. "

The Code:

A Retrosexual man, no matter what the women insists, PAYS FOR THE DATE.

A Retrosexual DEALS with IT, be it a flat tyre, break-in into your home,
or a natural disaster, you DEAL WITH IT.

A Retrosexual not only eats red meat, he often kills it himself. A
Retrosexual doesn't worry about living to be 90. It's not how long you
live, but how well. If you're 90 years old and still smoking cigars and
drinking, I salute you. If you are still having sex, you are a God.

A Retrosexual does not use more hair or skin products than a woman.Women
have several supermarket aisles of stuff. Retrosexuals need deodorant
& shaving gear - that's it!!

A Retrosexual does not dress like a homeboy with baggy pants that look
like he's shot himself, or with a gay chain from pocket to pocket. If
wearing a hat, wear it correctly - not on the side. Blokes
& necklaces (unless you are an Australian fast bowler) are out!

A Retrosexual should know how to properly kill stuff (or people) if need
be. This falls under the "Dealing with IT" portion of The Code.

A Retrosexual does not let neighbours screw up rooms in his house on
national TV.

A Retrosexual should not give up excessive amounts of manliness for
women. Some is inevitable, but major reinvention of yourself will only
lead to you becoming a handbag carrying little puss, & in the long
run, she ain't worth it.

A Retrosexual is allowed to seek professional help for major mental
stress such as drug/alcohol addiction, death of your entire family in a
freak BBQ accident, favourite sports team being moved to a different
city, favourite dog expiring, etc. You are NOT allowed to see a shrink
because Daddy didn't pay you enough attention. Daddy was busy DEALING
WITH IT. When you screwed up, he DEALT with you.

A Retrosexual will have at least one outfit in his wardrobe designed to
conceal himself from prey.

A Retrosexual should have at least one good wound he can brag about
getting. This does not include males who have had cosmetic surgery.

A Retrosexual knows how to use a basic set of tools. If you can't hammer
a nail, or drill a straight hole, practice in secret until you can or be
rightfully ridiculed for the wuss you are.

A Retrosexual knows that owning a gun is not a sign that your are
riddled with fear, guns are TOOLS and are often essential to DEAL WITH IT. Plus
it's just plain fun to fire one off in the direction of those people or
things that just need a little "wakin' up".

Crying. There are very few reasons that a Retrosexual may cry, and none
of them have to do with TV commercials, movies, or soap operas. Sports
teams are sometimes a reason to cry, but the preferred method of release
is swearing or throwing the remote control. Some reasons a Retrosexual
can cry include (but are not limited to) death of a loved one, death of
a pet (fish do NOT count as pets in this case), loss of a major body part,
or loss of major body part on your truck.

When a Retrosexual is on a crowded bus and / or a commuter train, & a
pregnant woman, heck, any woman gets on, that retrosexual stands up and
offers his seat to that woman, then looks around at the other so-called
men still in their seats with a disgusted "you rude pricks" look on his

A Retrosexual will have hobbies & habits his wife and mother do not
understand, but that are essential to his manliness, in that they offset
the acceptable manliness decline he suffers when married/engaged or in a
serious healthy relationship - i.e., hunting, boxing, shot putting,
shooting, cigars, car maintenance and drinking beer with the boys.

A Retrosexual knows how to sharpen his own knives & kitchen utensils.

A Retrosexual man can chop down a tree and make it land where he wants.
Wherever it lands is where he bloody well wanted it to land. Except on
his truck --that would happen because of a "force of nature", & then the
Retrosexual man's options are to Cry, or to DEAL with IT, or do both.

A Retrosexual will give up his seat on a bus to not only any women but
any elderly person.

Retrosexual man doesn't need a contract -- a handshake is good enough.

A Retrosexual man doesn't immediately look to sue someone when he does
something stupid and hurts himself. We understand that sometimes in the
process of doing things we get hurt and we just DEAL WITH IT!”

Posted by Mr Free Market

Saturday, June 18, 2005

tome and katie...the truth

Current mood: contemplative

haha arright.... going off of my new no tabloid no media no celebrity (basically the NO campaign)... here's what i've got to say about tom and katie. i have the truth believe it or not.

the thing is...whatever the "truth" is...i dont care and neither should you. HOWEVER... let me give you some REAL insight into what it is.

so basically the both of them have their movies coming out. well, judging from how katie's basically kind of new and tom hasn't had any REALLY great hits these past few years, now they are getting desperate for a hit. Ok, so they might not be desperate, but why wouldnt you want a blockbuster hit anyway right? So, now, they need to attract your attention. The thing is, they go on these talk shows and magazine interviews really just to promote their movies. But if they are going to be on Oprah, or Regis and Kelly, or whatever, you (the viewers, the people that pay to go watch these movies) probably won't want to watch the show or read the magazine if you knew the actors would just be promoting their movies. i mean, how boring right? So, believe it or not, this is why they create their love affairs. Now, because we have been trained by the media to care so much about celebrities personal lives, now whenever katie or tom are on a show, we want to watch JUST because we want to know whats going on between the two of them. not becasue we care about their movies. BUT. they (tom and katie) could care less what you know about them. what they really want is for you to watch their movie. so when you tune in to find out what you can, you end up finding out nothing about if they have made out yet, but you find out what the movie is about. and whether the movie seems interesting or not, you have now been hypnotized into wanting to watch the movie, just because of the media, tabloid, star's conniving and scheming, HYPE! Sadly, this takes away from whether a movie is really good or not, which is the main thing that bothers me.

for example

mr. and mrs. smith is currently the number one movie in america. So, thats supposed to mean its actually a GOOD movie right? Well, i can probably promise that it being a good movie is the last reason its the number one movie in america. its the number one movie in america because we have been so tricked into caring about this angelina-brad-jennifer DRAMA that now people want to see the movie just because of all the hype. and you know what, you're letting the celebrities and bad movies win.

so stop

we can win this

movie making is an art

help it stay that way.

we dont need actors and their fake dramas. we only want the drama on screen and no where else.

talk to me.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

the real "G8"

June 22 - i face the truth

alright so this part comes right out of my journal/diary/"johnny angel"

" So, my mom wants me to be a doctor. Apparently its like her dream, but I keep laughing it off. So then she asks me if i want to be a lawyer. I said, 'NO WAY.'

I was thinking, why no way? Cutting to the chase, being a lawyer would mean being in charge of people's lives. And that's the same with being a doctor. It's no joke. You really can not mess up. Why would anyone put themselves under that pressure?

Thinking of that, i realized, I'm living a very sheltered life. Maybe we all are, us kiddies. I don't know anything about what its like to have responsibilities that are bigger than finishing my homework, what its like to make mistakes that can cost you your life or someone elses, instead of costing u a petty argument between friends or a few points on a test. I dont know anything about what its like to really make a difference.

On sidenote, i think the phrase 'make a difference' is almost as overused and abused as 'i love you'."

Going back, all that responsibility is probably why being a doctor or lawyer is so great. It can't just be anyone and i realize that. Sure, life is a lot better becasue of the dude frying my burger patties. But how much better? I always say, yeah i want to make a difference, but i never thought about how much maturity it took to REALLY make a difference. Not just maturity, but how much risk, how much gut. You need, well yeah, some brain... but everyone can think these thoughts. What you need is some REAL BALLS.

And as fall as i know, i don't know anything about real balls. I'm scared to make a real difference in people's lives. they're fucking lives. Lawyers, doctors, firefighters, and all them. They have what i call JOBS. Why should you let yourself hide in a cubicle all your life! Because you're safe there. I dunno. I need a break.

Thanks for listening journal...haha like you have anything better to do.

-i want a job where i can go, come back, and be done with it. enjoy myself.

-but those hours spent doing what.... what do they mean for me? At the end of the day i will have done nothing for anyone REALLY. But that's so safe.

-that's me now. thats high school thats college. not knowing REAL pressure...pressing increase pressure decrease of someones blood flowing erroneously through a clogged artery... THAT'S PRESSURE! ... not knowing real responsibility..... she's fucking going to go to jail for 20 years if you dont get her the fuck out of this mess.... that's RESPONSIBILITY.

i do not know.

i used to think that being a high school principal used to be like a real job... according to my new definition. however, being in USB and being with ryan our class president. seeing all the injustice in our own school that probably goes unseen. the students dont even know what they're missing out on becasue all they know is what they have. they dont, might not, know what there could be, should be, if only the "adults" on campus would care a little. take some uh..i dunno... real responsiblity? make um..i dunno... a difference?? not be afraid to be under some presssure for once? losing faith in adults here...

but of course i think of those adults that are really doing what they should... and i dunno. maybe if the people that HAVE balls spent them somewhere else... like at our schools! then EVERYTHING would be better.

ok diary i know i'm not making ANY sense whatsoever anymore because, what is it.... oh yeah 3:00 in the morning.... now i'm just going to put in coldplay and go. to. sleep.



ok even coldplay is making more of a difference. "

so yeah that was that. somehow it went from me realizing how we students for the most part have no idea about anything to me hating chickens. uh yeah.

so all u know about the big G8 thing coming up. Seeing as how they have this meeting every year and the world really doesnt seem to be getting better... whenever i hear mention of this G8 thing i just imagine eight old guys in suits golfing, eating tea and crumpets, jumping into indoor pools, playing twister, getting massages and just having a Goddam Good Getaway for Grey Guys to Golf and Get massages while they Gab about nothing.

"world" leaders..