"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Friday, June 24, 2005

Current mood: detached

50 Tidbits about yours truly.

1. I wish I could be a better daughter.
2. I am overly analytical. Of everything.
3. One of my favorite things to do is wordplay with people I dont know
4. I'm deathly afraid of failure
5. I'm a perfectionist
6. Ive been through hypochondria and have come out a hypochondriac. Really.
7. My passion is the pencil.
8. My current goldfishs name is Crash Bravo, my last one was Phil Jackson, and my favorite was Train.
9. I pride myself in how long my goldfish live.
10. I deeply love my brother.
11. I am living only to get to what I think life is.
12. I am the definition of loyal and so, am often disappointed.
13. I am not optimistic, nor pessimisstic. I believe things happen for a reason, bad or good.
14. I talk really fast, and can get loud. I call it excitement.
15. In english class last year, I was the mastermind behind all klinger jokes, according to Randy.
16. I love making up bands that wont ever perform, and shows that will never air, and articles youll never read.
17. My first best friend was Priyanka Mantha.
18. I made up Cool Eye for the Bengali Guy and am damn proud. I am also proud to be able to share it with Nadia and Shemi.
19. Ever since middle school Ive been critical of the way I dress. But not so much anymore.
20. I've moved three times.
21. I dont like the attention I get for being me.
22. I like holding high standards.
23. I love smart people that use their brains to help their country.
24. I want to feed a family or 20 every thanksgiving in the future.
25. I believe in Fate.
26. I'm really not that lazy. Ok maybe a little.
27. I wish i was a lot closer with ... haha youre lucky if you know this one.
28. When I am intimidated by people, I start to.. wait.. Im not intimidated by people.
29. I have absolutely no idea if I am good-looking.
30. I put my mind into writing exquisite diary entries, and also into things I shouldnt put my mind into.
31. Even though i know, i say a LOT otherwise.
32. I believe in God.
33. I believe in fate more than anything. It gives an excuse for our mistakes.
34. I chose Zain to be my much needed godbrother, and Im very satisfied.
35. When listening to music I dont care who wrote the lyrics, but am extremely critical of the voice.
36. State tests say I'm more than a bit above par than normal people.
37. I love to think.
38. I believe God is the goal of the future. I believe the end will be the result.
39. I wont decide if Shakespeare was the bigger genius or Einstein was.
40. I love Chris Carraba but I really hate his right arm
41. I always adapt to change but I rarely initiate it.
42. I believe in the quote "Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there" and If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it.
43. I hate only one person in my life and hope that one day I can forgive her, because one is more than none.
44. The only thing I'm afraid of is that I just might not succeed.
45. The people I owe everything to are my mom, my dad, and yeah i guess my brother.
46. I wish I knew how airplanes fly, and if people really landed on the moon. I personally think it was all a big hoax.
47. I've been to Bangladesh and I think I want to go back.
48. I wish a president of some country would marry me.
49. I like telling people that i genuinely like that i like them.
50. I like your drive but youre only worth it if youre human.

Currently watching :
Fight Club
Release date: 16 March, 2004

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