"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ace & fit... & a little Lindsay Lohan

Lo Ling; listening to: "Get Em High"-Kanye West Ratatat Remixes Mixtape Vol. 1; 8:27pm; UCLA, Sproul 6South; feeling: fresh

the new love of my life is pushing me to my limits and taking so much out of me I can barely type-- name?

Circuit Training.


Alright so today was my first day of a circuit training routine that apparently I'm supposed to do IN ADDITION to the regular fitness routine (yeah right)... but let me tell you-- it was amazing!

I realize what made this particularly appealing to me is that you could even do this outside of the gym. In fact you could probably do this anywhere, given that you have areas to create elevation in terms of doing "advanced push-ups" and the tricep dips.

Alright so as usual, whatever it is, if I like it I'll share it, so here you go:
  • One resistance move for 20 reps, followed by 30-60 seconds of cardio
Essentially you do this with a number of resistance moves hahah

Here's what we did:
  1. Push-ups (advanced or regular, advanced is with the feet elevated)
  2. Cardio
  3. Jump squats (advanced or regular, advanced being with your feet leaving the air at the "jump")
  4. Cardio
  5. Tummy tucks
  6. Cardio
  7. Tricep dips (ew.)
  8. Cardio

And then repeat that two more times. Yummmmmyyy

Basically at the end of this I couldn't even carry my shower caddy much less give myself a proper shower. But then again my shower caddy probably weighs a ton (girls who's with me!?) I love that feeling though. And I think that is what I really enjoy about fitness training in general, the fact that the more defeated I physically feel, the more successful I feel about the whole endeavor. I suppose this could translate into a metaphor for life experiences, challenges, etc. I have to go to a duty round now, so I'll let you ponder that instead. =)

Things that came up today:
  • the ovaries release the oocyte into the abdominal cavities- NOT directly into the fallopian tubes
  • Beyonce sang Sarah Maclachlan's song "Angel" at the BET Awards. As if she couldn't get any more annoying. First Etta now Sarah. Too bad none of your own songs are fitting enough to perform... maybe you should set your booty down and write one yourself-- on second thought you'd probably just get distracted and end up writing a song about your booty itself. "bootylicious" anyone? Real classy BEYONCE. ugh.
  • The Beach by Alex Garland, the movie by Danny Boyle
  • North Campus vs. South Campus
  • laughing: is it ever really inappropriate?
  • Good look I would say:


Shadenonconform said...

I found your blog...girlie....really nice...

followmekanye said...

yay! thanks shade-- welcome welcome!