"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Welcome to the OC, b**ch"

in other words
(i had actually accidentally typed out "in order worths"... lol)

I need to stop being so judgmental towards shows encapsulating sex drugs and beautiful rich people.

This is coming from the girl who loves to watch The Hills and Gossip Girl.

Who am I. What am I doing. What am I saying. What the heck.

Well let me start here. Or there. Okay I need to stop... and go (SORRY!) OK here i go!

I don't like


And I think that may have been the reason I never got in to the hit tv show, "The OC". This post really is going to be about my first encounter ever with The OC (the tv show), which was only as of last night, which I know I know... is probably years after the OC time already. I'm so behind. But I'm not. I just take my OWN time. I really believe there is a difference.

But let me get back to what I was saying (I'm sorry that this post is so windy and maze-like, I'm sure this is reflective of the internal state that I am in. And we will never go there here because that only goes in my personal diary. The depths of me to which no one will ever know. Why am I still talking like this?)

What I was saying was that yes, this post will be about The OC, but let me just say a few words about hype.

I've noticed a pattern in my life. It goes like this: something arrives, something is hyped, i dont understand the hype and i dont get into it, then the hype goes, the thing goes, and then i "discover" it (for myself) (on my own time) (with no outer influences such as... hype) and then i either really love it (sadly after the "trend" has passed, but not so sad to me because i like it without the trend or the hype anyway) or leave it. This was how it was with those "power bead" bracelets, and even with ... yeah! My signature CHUCK TAYLOR's CONVERSE ALL STARS. Maybe I'm just slow but the thing is, I like the "!" moment of discovering something on my own time and realizing that I really like it (or don't) for what it is. and not because it's being sold to me by billboards and magazines and your word of mouth. So anyway, back to The OC...

I'm not sure what it was that so randomly led me to search up online episodes of The O.C.
Whatever it was-- I'm so glad

ha ha ha

So I don't have too many things to say as of yet, except that after watching Gossip Girl Season 1, I see a strange parallel between these two shows. There's always an "upper class" girl in love with a boy from "another world". Does that sell more than the upper class boy in love with a girl from the barrio? I don't get it. But whatever.

So now I will summer-ize (hahaha "lame joke" ...ooh did you catch that? "lame joke" was at the end of the first episode), some before-and-afterthoughts after watching the first couple episodes of... The O.C. ...

mischa barton is pretty

rachel bilson is cool whatevs
okay summer roberts is really annoying.
will she start doing anything but drinking and making the girl-gasp noise?

i remember all the girls loved "seth" i wonder who seth is
ew that's seth?
i dont see why he was in everyone's binder sleeve thingamabob in high school. but his lines are humorous.

this ryan character (no opinion could be formed "before" because there wasn't enough... haha.. "hype" around him-- i'd barely even hear about him from my "omg did you watch the oc last night!???" friends)
wow. ryan. must be THE coolest character ever. i definitely do NOT understand why there was little to no hype around RYAN. SETH??? what! whatever

and i really like sandy cohen's character he's cool

ok i need to finish episode three

and here's a limited time only present from me to you. me making a fool of myself muaha
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