"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Friday, January 26, 2007

last weekend

In frustration

In frustration
I want to shake you
Until you spill to me your tears
Make you wet, make you want
To confess to me your fears

In frustration
I want to deafen you
With your own dearth of words
Make you feel the heat of silence
Over which you make me burn

In frustration
I want to break the floor
On which you tiptoe with the truth
Praying it doesn’t get too heavy
And your lips don’t get too loose

In frustration
I want to burn your house
So you come running out
Hoping someone will come save you
Who knew what you were about

In frustration
I want to bend the cage
In which you house your heavy heart
So you can hold it in your hands
And let me hold a part.

In frustration
I want to hold you
Until you stop your tears
Make you trust, make you know
I wont give away your fears

In frustration
I want to hear you
If all I can do is listen
With my one hand on your one knee
To make your worries lessen

In frustration
I want to fix the floor
So you and I can dance
And you will whisper in my ear
Of all your hidden pasts

In frustration
I want to build our house
So you know just where to go
In rain or shine, rough winds or breeze
Or in the blizzards of the snow

In frustration
I want to shine the cage
In which we place our hearts
You see mine, please let me see yours
So to love will let to start.

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