"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Monday, January 22, 2007

drop it like it's hot

i've got the braaaain, you've got the braaawwwn

lets make lots of moneeeeyy...

haha yes that is the theme song from "Beauty and the Geek" by the Pet Shop Boys, which incidentally they were playing at Rieber Dining Hall during breakfast today.

I was actually really really enjoying the music selection this morning. Late 80's eeearly nineties pop-rock.

Whyyy do i want to write this note?
Because i think you'll get a good laugh out of it. or maybe you can relate, and then get a good laugh at it.

i'm not actually sure if i want to tell you. buuuut

now that i'm this much in i kind of have to.







I, as many of you probably also have, have always told myself that I am NOT going to ever break UCLA diningware. I even assured myself that I didn't even know how to break UCLA diningware. And guess what. Today I learned, you don't always have to KNOW how to do something to do it. well obviously. i dont see how these normal facts of life always seem to escape me at the most inopportune times.


I honestly do not know how it happened. But it did. AND! AND AND -- I am very very thankful that the only thing on my tray was one measly plate with two halves of a bagel with awkwardly spread cream cheese on it.

At the time I was very relieved that that was all I had dropped. And now that I think about it, how embarrassing. I couldn't even keep one measly plate on my tray.

baha i dont know whether to laugh or to cry. hahaha. ok well that solves that problem. =p

i guess fate also picked a good time for me to drop my ish because the guy right across the buffet table from me, steve, who i'm sure doesn't remember me from ASC, didnt even look up. Honestly, haha okay, first the plate fell. Then I looked at the plate. I didnt believe what I saw. I looked across at Steve. Steve.... was doing the same thing he was doing the few seconds before the crash! He hadn't even looked up! So actually for a while a part of me inside was thinking... oh maybe it didnt really happen cuz Steve has not moved. hahaha.

i'm just being dramatic.

but yeah. about fate picking a good time, i guess by now everyone is used to hearing a few random crashes at eating time. thank goodness.

To be honest, when it happened, I wasn't that embarrassed. Like, I actually remember thinking, as i asked the wonderful nice guy who came over to fix things if i could help him, "ok... why am i not more embarrassed..?" I guess because it's not really that embarrassing. Because this happens. Its weird cuz i get more embarrassed just telling the story like I'm doing on facebook now. But yeah. For future reference, breaking plates in Rieber Hall isn't embarrassing.

also, as i stared down at the plate, i actually (and kind of guiltily) felt worse that my bagels were now on the floor. because as i told rachel when i got back, that cream cheese is NOT easy to spread. and she commiserated, in which i found vindication. hahaha.

In Covel people used to give you a round of applause if you caused a crash. Honestly, I would join into those applause things, BECAUSE i thought we were doing something nice. I don't know please don't call me a retard. I was just in the mindset of what used to go on in my high school.

Cell phone goes off, class causes a commotion to distract the teacher from hearing your "drop it like its hot" (haha if you catch that pun) ringtune and confiscating your phone.

It was all out of community and camaraderie.

I'm not sure what my reasoning for relating a round of applause in a kind response to dropping plates was, but I eh, I guess the concept of being mean just doesnt flow through my brain all that well or all that often.

So then one day someone graciously informed me that people clap for crashes as a mean thing.

i said, "how mean!"

and then i stopped clapping.

i love rieber dining hall.

i really think it would have been totally different had the plate broken in covel or de neve.

so anyway.

hope you had a good read.



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