"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

your turn

so i think i've told you about how random thoughts occur to me and then i write them down and lose them haha.

well, two thoughts have occured to me recently. i was talking to people and then it just kind of popped into my head. they came in sentences.

buuuut im not gonna tell you
but i will give you the beginnings of the sentences and then i think you can fill them in as you see fit in your own scheme of things as they pertain to you. i'd really like to know how you would fill these sentences in



I've never met someone who wasn't _____________ .

I will never question ____________.

thanks boobs.
(boobs is my nickname for a bunch of people in general that i care about and am close enough with to call boobs. its not referring to "boobs". its just a noise. boobs. and yes its probably referring to you and i care what you have to say. sosayit!)


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