"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Monday, August 7, 2006

the view from my bed

im going to make this much more brief than i expected because it is 2 am in the morning. =)

on saturday morning i woke up, and, the way i sleep, my feet face my closet doors, which are mirrors, which reflect the back wall of my room which have a nice window on it/in it what have you. so i wake up and lift my head and i realize that my window is really pretty. and the whole ambience of being somewhere nice and comfortable and full of light, every day, when i wake up. (my room really is full of light every morning because its in the direction the sun comes up, which is really nice. especially on weekends when i actually get to be in bed when it starts flooding my room with warm yellow light! ugh its so nice. someone should come here and enjoy it with me. except i have a twin size bed. and a knack for the single life. hahaha. ok im ramblinggg). and then i thought about how, all that is going from me in two months or less. im not exactly sad, but, shrug. im going to miss my room. and my bed, and the nice reflection of the wall on my mirror doors. and a whole lot of other stuff but as i said, its 2 am. and plus ive talked about this stuff before in my other blogs that i wrote when iw as actually awake.

so in that mood, (we're back to saturday morning), i decided to just take a bunch of pictures so i can maybe blow them up into wallpaper size posters to cover my dorm walls with. hahaha. joke.


here are a bunch (like really, a bunch) of pretty random pictures i took of my room while i was lying down in my bed. yup. these are all the view through the lcd screen from my bed.

yeah. i used the lcd screen not the eyehole thing. sorry i cant think of what its called at the moment. and for that reason a lot of my pictures probably suffer from the dreaded parallax effect. but oh well.


samiah's room in the morning.

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you can see me in them if you look close. but i advise you not to. =P

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i like my window okay.
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and my ever useful
converse shoe boxes. heres one.

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and yes i used the "zoom". haha.
goodnight tables
goodnight chairs
goodnight window
goodnight room

goodnight moon.

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