"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Friday, February 26, 2010

Like the Sea

I rarely ever remember any of the routines from my hip hop classes--

but dam the music's good.

And I realize that the youtube links never show up when these go to Facebook-- so half the time you don't know what I'm talking about unless you "View Original Post", which I won't delude myself into thinking you love me enough to do, and I also vowed not to switch to tumblr which makes it easy to upload music files-- something i can't figure out how to successfully do on blogger... thus-- we are sticking to youtube postings.

view original posts beezies!

Things that came up today:
  • a check plus
  • if someone says you can bring guests to a party, don't bring nine or ten. wth.
  • the challenge of informed consent in a genetic epidemiology study of Noma in rural Nigeria
  • DreamGirls the Musical
  • balls and chains and no i'm not into that stuff
  • a thrown out back
  • "potential"
  • what everyone's obsession is with artists who write their own music and why others hate on those who don't. we'll talk about that later.
  • kourtney kardashian yanked out her own baby. i wonder if i'll even manage to be awake for my own.

1 comment:

Shadenonconform said...

haha at showing up with 8 or 9 friends. gotta love such people..but such people always come in handy...

the study sounds interesting (i guess i also had to say something on it because i am nigerian).lol..