"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I've heard this word so many times and for some reason I either never looked it up or just never remembered what it means. Ina Garten (of the "Barefood Contessa") referred to an esoteric herb today-- and I just had to look it up. There was no way I would go through life not knowing anymore!

Surprisingly, this is a perfect word for me, and one that I will now surely incorporate into my elocution. I dont know if elocution is the right word...


Shadenonconform said...


I had this same issue with the word 2 years ago till i finally looked it up when i came across it while reading one of my WMSTD textbooks (I knew i had to look it up).

(I'm glad you did the same).

I think elocution sounds about right...

Yay to looking up words that we don't know what they mean:)

Word verification: Binkni..

Bikini sounds better. sheesh. whatever.

Anonymous said...

Esoteric us quite mysterious for me.. checking it out