"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I like the water

I've discovered a new joy in life, and I was going to express it on facebook with the status update of: "Samiah likes the water"

If that wasn't obvious in its literal sense (I mean... I only created one of the first water appreciation groups on facebook... hahah)-- let me clarify, yes it is much more metaphorical in sense.

And then I decided I wasn't going to bog people down with metaphorical facebook statuses. My best friend and I despise those. Our first instinct, besides venting about it to eachother, is to immediately hit "Post Reply" and dispell a little KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid).

Rather, I'd write a haiku on my blog. =)

I change my shape so
Come on in, the water's fine
and still her true blue.

1 comment:

Shadenonconform said...

Haha @ metaphorical FB status updates...

A Keys is dope. Enough said..