"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Answer me this: Besides "thinking" what's ur fave thang to do in L.A.?

The following was another question posted to me on my formspring.me account

Given that you were either being "meta" or that you later found an especially cunning loophole for errogneous spelling (couldn't help myself), answer me this: Besides "thinking" what's ur fave thang to do in L.A. gurrrrllllll?! :)

My favorite thing to do in L.A. is to... not be by myself.

Hahaha it does get much more specific than that. But that is the beginning of it-- I don't think I enjoy much of LA without having my best friends around to join in.

My favorite thing to do mostly includes checking out art exhibits/museums. My friend and her boyfriend brought me to a Gala type event that took place in the evening, and it was just the best thing ever.

I also like doing things that seem to be exclusively LA, although they might not really be, such as eating at certain bakeries or restaurants and just really reveling in what makes

Definitely the museum art (and the friends) are my favorite.

Ask me anything

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