Well not quite. But I do have to say my favorite part of being a Resident Assistant, besides the satisfaction of knowing you have touched lives and inspired young'ns to drink their alchy and smoke their mary-j elsewhere, is having over 60 plus people that have no choice but to subject themselves to viewing your work, and, satisfyingly enough, having 60 plus people to do the work for.
These days I seem to be posting the work of other people, and I'm not entirely comfortable yet with posting my own-- but today I decided eh, what the hell! So here we go.
Door decorations-- each room gets one of these. Here's some random ones I selected to photograph:
mine, I like it the best because I didn't write the names in it.
As you can see each of them pretty much have their own thing going on, which was fun for me (and much less stressful than creating identicals.) And not gonna lie, I was clearly inspired by Adrian Johnson from a few posts ago.
A little story behind those door decorations-- when I was creating the prototype some time ago in the office, some people would walk by and quite pessimistically state to me or to the air around them, "Oh that's going to take forever" "Why are you doing that? You're a returner you should know better!" Etc. Etc. Etc.
Well, this nuisanced me in a number of ways, most because a. Just because you couldn't do it quickly doesn't mean I can't. Don't impose on ME, YOUR limitations, and b. Rome was not built in a day, and I don't have to either.
Quite fittingly, just a few days before, I had picked this quote up from one of the training sessions. It was posted unnoticeably on one of the walls on a horizontal 8.5" x 11", but I saw it and will never forget it:
"Never be limited by other's limited imaginations." -Mae Jemison
So I dared to dream and I dared to do, and no, it did not take FOREVER-- but even if it had, I would have stuck through because I believe in HARD WORK.
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." -Thomas Alva Edison
Above is the lounge board which is supposed to contain some sort of useful information on it for the residents. What I liked about it was that when my supervisor saw it, she said she liked it better as it was, "like art," meaning... no having to staple up info!! (This is the best news an RA can hear hahah). But I will anyway because I believe in living and learning..
Anyways, I'm also going to post these because they are my most favorite things that I ever did:
Remember the Graffiti Facebook app? That was super fun
I did the one above while not paying attention during an Educational Programming Committee (EPC) meeting. It's sad because I actually have no idea where the original is. None. Not sad though because it is easily reproducable.
If it weren't for my mom this Bob Marley one would be in the trash too. I did it really quickly in 10th grade for some stoner seniors' entertainment, and before I finished it ( I'm not sure I was ever going to) my mom found it and framed it. I love moms.
I have no idea why the writing is coming out underlined... anyway. The picture came out poorly but basically this is all made up of watercolor dots sprayed on by flicking a toothbrush.
Yup. 10th grade again. My favorite. This when when I learned the power of a pencil. There are so many different pressures and strokes that went into this one.
Alright y'all. Thanks for viewing. Leave whatever comments and criticisms.
Ooh. another one
Things that came up today:
- All you can eat Korean BBQ
- Honeydew Melon Iced Boba Milk Tea
- the act of getting someone's number while driving
- UCLA student fees (on the rise)
How many times will i say this...you are amazing!! I can't believe you did all those door decks and lounge art pieces so well. How long did it take you? Did you use a computer for some parts of it? WOW!!
I hope i wasn't part of the RA pessimists? If i was, i apologize. Please forgive my limited imagination. lol. Seriously, you really are creative... I'm jealous..
Lol at drawing during EPC training.
I didn't get the calendar though. I'm kinda slow...sorry. When next i come visit, I'll ask you to explain it to me..
Pls don't get anymore amazing. I hope u checked out R-Leslie..
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