"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Friday, May 1, 2009

Just when you thought Facebook couldn't get any better

or more distracting...

I got this in an email from my boss today, and it made MY facebook just about better than a ton of pirate's booty--

or about the same as-- Check it:
  1. So if you have Facebook, sign on.  
  2. Go to your homepage and scroll all the way to the bottom.
  3. At the bottom left of the page you will see a button that says English (US).
  4. Click on it. 
  5. This will open a language option for your Facebook.
  6. Find English (US) on the list.
  7. Then find English (Pirate).

Just when you thought Facebook couldn't get any better-- it totally did.
Have fun "divvy'in yer spoils to all ye mateys"!  (Or deciphering what all the other phrases mean)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

came across your blog...
this is awesome! haha thanks