"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Thursday, October 18, 2007

"We need to talk"

Lo Ling; "Fight Outta You" -Ben Harper & my fan blowing; 5:32PM; the reeb 523; feeling: curious

In Chem lecture yesterday, I don't remember exactly what it was, but Professor P.B. made a joke about the classic statement heard by women all over the world,

"We need to talk."

My thoughts on the statement? As passed on to Mary who was sitting next to me, I pass them on to you...

In the future,
whenever I feel anxiously in love with my husband and desire so to tell him, I'm gonna say,

"We need to talk."


moving on.

a little while ago i was feeling not so happy because my friends don't like using their phones, so i'm going to talk about things that make me happy. Like things that start with the letter M...



Because I really love my Mondays. And I am cordially inviting you, if you know who Lo Ling is, to join her (that would be M for ME) on my Monday afternoons.

Mondays go like this, Chem lecture at 9, Comm discussion at 12, and then Chem discussion at 2.

You're probably thinking, "WTF Lo."

The happiest part of my Mondays consist of the hour between Comm discussion and Chem discussion, when I jaunt happily over to an on-campus eatery which is still a (M for...) mystery, to me because I have yet to find out it's name. However, this is where I am asking you to join me for lunch at 1:00PM if you happen to be in the area. This mysterious place that features really good teriyaki chicken is located directly to the right of Public Policy, somewhat to the far left of Bunche, and to the ... well, behind this building whose name I just forgot. Sorry. But just give me a ring on the (M for...) mobile phone.

(M for...) moving on (OK I'll stop that..)

I think I really just like the convenience of having this place to go in between my two discussion sections-- which are conveniently located in the same building. This convenience is heightened by the fact that it has become a new routine for me, and we all know, familiarity breeds content. I like having this destination, the somewhere I'd like to be, that is now somewhere I need to be. It's simple, just a patio, tables and chairs, some large umbrellas to sit under. It's just very quaint, mellow, connected yet independent, open and airy, and very nice. I always feel like its good weather there. (Which for me is defined by a very wide spectrum... anything that doesn't include a temperature over 87 degrees). I look forward to my Mondays now, something I never thought I'd say, sitting in the patio, being productive and feeling quite collegiate.

I said I was going to move on.

peacelate and this was probably the worst blog I have written in my life.

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1 comment:

shuggggggg said...

Sweet Picture. Yeah those code words are weird. It seems like women are 5 steps ahead in that tone that says you suck haha.