"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Sunday, July 8, 2007

good bye windy - an obituary

Windemere Linnaeus Damion Marshall Rahman; July 08, 2007; Diamond Bar, CA

Windemere Linnaeus Damion Marshall Rahman (Windy) was adopted by Lo Ling from the kind people at PetsMart sometime before Winter Break. He had good times in his sexy bowl with his bowlmate Rio, but was soon faced with the tragedy of her death. His strength pulled him and me through this difficult time. He was a good fish, enduring long and strenuous and bumpy car rides back home, surviving very low water levels. He never complained, not even when I put him on a diet. Windy provided inspiration and love to Lo and Ashley, and especially loved his Godmother Maral and his godsiblings (what were their names again Maral??) who have also passed.

Royal Flush-ing took place today at 7:44 pm, 4 minutes after Windy's death.
Memorial Contributions may be sent here.

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