I'm such a time waster.
So I get out of my fiat luxe class today at 9:50 (the only class I enjoy going to), with the intent that I'd head right across to Powell and study Chem before my next lecture. Totally being efficient with my time right? Wrong.
I step outside Royce Hall, and it's raining. (Drizzling). Sparse droplets fall out of the sky, but there have been enough to turn everything one shade darker and to me, everything looks a few shades cleaner. I'm happy most of the time. And I'm really happy when it "rains".
So I'm wayyyy not in the mood to study chem. Anymore. But I go to Powell, up past the rading room where I usually am, and go up to the second floor, which I must say, in this sentence that already has too many commas, I find gorgeous.
Sure, it is very easy to find it gorgeous here because of its high windows, intricate brick wall design, and age old looking ceiling lamps – however—there really are a lot of other things that make Powell Library one of the most desired and thus beautiful places to be on campus.
I know we're all college kids that don't have time to read my intricate descriptions on everything so here's a synopsis:
--this chair I'm sitting in. its HUGE and I love it and I feel like its not only my chair but my sanctuary in life. Yeah. I fit allll the way IN it and from the looks of those around me, everyone does. The arm rests almost go up to my SHOULDERS! This is sanctuary.
(ok clearly I'm not good at synopses. But I try.)
--the boy with the long hair sitting across from me. Hahaha jk jk.
--the fact that people here always look so comfortable. There's a guy sprawled out on his stomach on those long flatbed type chair thingies, shifting his position in ways I thought people did only at home. Haha. Comfort is beauty people. And Powell's really comfortable.
Ok im going to move on.
So yeah. I come up to the second floor and I begin my inefficient use of time by ripping a page out of my chem. Notebook to begin writing about my… inefficient use of time. =p I laught to think about what an even bigger time waster I'll be when I go type this up (as I am doing now.)
I really feel that we should just say there are 27 hours in a day so we can shamelessly waste three.
Chapter 2. speed.
Speaking of how I feel like I waste time. I just think time goes too fast. In fact I think we are always rushing. And what I fear in life is simply that, speed. I'll be in the car with my dad, and he'll tell me to go faster. I know I know… I'm like 15 miles per hour below the speed limit and usually people are over, but, I just don't like speed.
That is only the physical description of the nature of my fear but there are a lot of underlying metaphorical parallels as to why I do not like speed.
I don't think I could ever really LIVE in new york.
Chapter 3 nice people.
I take chances in life and that's the truth. Not ridiculous chances but small, subtle chances usually with the possibility of working out. I love and would like to thank the people that make taking chances worth while. You know who you are okay please hug yourselves for me.
The other day Merryl and I met the nicest guy at de neve dining hall. Merryl graciously took one (no… TWO) dry brownie goo squares for the team so the lady could put out a fresh tray. (I'm clarifying now that I'm not a hardcore brownie goo fan.)
Well, this guy just happened to be waiting for brownie goo too and DUDE. I dunno. He was just so nice. He called merryl a true patriot for what she did. Haha I have no way to describe it but honestly, he was just NICE. Merryl and I were talking about finding him on facebook and the whole "mutual friend dilemma".
Chapter 4 the mutual friend dilemma
You know how it goes. You meet someone vaguely and the next thing you know you're pining for a facebook friendship. Haha
Well you can search them up, and if the situation in which you met was alrigth, you add them.
However. What if you just by chance meet someone in a random brownie goo line with no info to go off of…? Well. You still do the facebook search, and maybe you find him/her. Now time for the friend request…. HALT!
And now the mutual friend dilemma.
You pray and you pray that you two have mutual friends. Because you're gonna know and you're impending friend is gonna know… that instead of just popping up on a mutual friend's page… YOU SEARCHED!
Oh heaven forbid they know that you searched.
im not usually good at sacasm so hopefully you caught all that.
I prefer not to be so complicated. And I prefer you to not be so freaked out. We're all part of that "six degrees of separation" thing anyway. Might as well start off with eachother.
Ok I have to go to class.
Note to nice guy who thanked merryl for getting him fresh brownie goo and then said hi going up the steps to dykstra…
You really made some people's days and I hope someone makes yours too.
Chapter I lost count. Speaking of being nice.
I hold doors open and I push in chairs.
But, to the:
People that hold the door open for me (anyone) when I'm still almost a mile away from the door.
Thank you thank you thank you.
People that hold the elevator for me (anyone) when I'm still just only entering the building.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Because you have inspired me to go beyond and do the same and I feel like a better person already.
Yep sounds like I'm not the only one who Facebook stalks people I've never actually met.
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