May 14, 2006?
Yeah... I think that's the date
Dear Johnny,
Hmm, today my mom opened my window.
Wow. It feels so good. Wow... the power of fresh air. No, I'm not kidding. It does make me feel that good.
In all honesty, I think that a lot of how I am so enjoying this fresh air, softly billowing into my room right now, has a lot to do with how I'm in my room. Sure, I appreciate and enjoy the great outdoors, all in its natural splendor, boundless grounds and plentiful fresh air. But that's the thing... it's "the great outdoors," where everything is so abundant and available that its easy to forget every smaller figment of what is there; like, air.
So now, that I sit here, in my room surrounded by all the wonders of 21st century electronica and other wonders of the ever-flourishing concrete jungle, when that strong-but-still-ethereal gentleness of that wind, in all its purity and humility, drifts in . . . that's when I've finally noticed it. That's when I finally feel air and see, that it really is something to think about.
Thank God for windows.
Thanks for listening
-Lo Ling
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