"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Meet my future son:

It's okay not to like Taylor Swift. I DONT!

This post is dedicated to all the Jenny Lewis fans out there that understand good female artistry.

So out of nowhere, "Silver Lining" popped into my head today. So as usual, I rush over to YouTube (WHAT would I do without You' ?) and play the video.

The video plays and now, I'm not sure how often you do this, but if you ever take the time to read the comments on pretty much ANY video on YouTube, you will be so impressed by the sheer HILARITY that ensues on these comment postings. I guarantee it!

Well I was impressed this time. There weren't so many inane comments as there were some COMPLETELY GENIUS ones riling about how "Taylor Swift should be banned from radio and tv" and how her "voice is shit" and just about everything that my one fellow anti-Taylor co-conspirator and I have been desperately wanting to hear from other than just each other. All hail individuality, singularity, and as I stated in my last post, self-sufficienty-- but hey if "great minds think alike" well then "the more the merrier" !!

My new best friends:

That last "Good comment" thumbs up was from me =)


This looks promising

The past few nights my dreams have been "out of control" in the best of ways

I don't know why, I assume it has to do with how everybody keeps reminding me that I'm graduating, but recently my dreams have consisted of random people who I have known throughout gradeschool and beyond, just happening to BE THERE, in my dreams.

Last night in one of these dreams, I guy I once knew named Hani appeared. Of course, he brought his wonderfully ripped body with him. Now, I'm not a touchy-feely kind of person--

but I totally touched Hani. He had a six-pack of epic ab muscle just lying there in front of me and though I have never sexually touched a boy or a man and don't intend to until I have to, Hani's abs got it. I act like they got it but really, I got it-- the feel, the enjoyment, the utter satisfaction of just indulging in someone else's zillionth ab workout. I don't even remember what it felt like, if anything at all (do you even feel things in your dreams?) but just seeing myself running my hands on his abs was very satisfying. Weird, because it's Hani-- who I am the least bit attracted to-- but satisfying.

So anyway I woke up, and did some crunches.

Crunches? Why am I doing crunches-- Hani was the one with the abs...

Well, as obsessed as I was with Hani's abs, the obsession probably stemmed from my obsession with my own abs. But there's definitely something more to it.

I believe in self-sufficiency, sure, but there's also a part of me that's anticipating the day that I'll find my "other half" and we will live happily (for the most part) ever after, making decisions together, building a life together, etc. etc. So it only made sense to me that he would pick up where I left off... or never began. For example, if I had a knack for giving the wrong people too many chances, he'd be the one to judge you from the first impression, if I could never be on time, he'd be the punctual one, etc etc, like yin and yang making a perfectly well balanced whole.

For a while I thought like that. That everything I wasn't could be made up for by somebody else. One day however, I was talking to my friend Jayna, who was telling me about a Professor she knew at UCLA, Dr. Jain. Basically Dr. Jain was (and most surely still is) an amazing man with a Ph.D. in some sort of spectucular engineering, with patents and inventions to his name, along with an appreciation for the arts, culture, literature, etc etc etc etc etc and the list went on about how he was everything and everyone and good hearted and selfless and giving to boot and etc etc--

and I was just CRUSHED that he had just left his position as a Faculty-In-Residence and now I would never get the chance to meet such a man and be simultaneously floored and inspired.

For a while I sat there moping. Which I don't do very well. I'm a solutionist. A problem-solver. If there's an effect well there's a cause and the cause must have a solution. Well the issue at hand was that I was upset that I would not get to meet this person and be in the presence of his greatness. Why did I want to be in his presence? Why did I want to meet him? Well, mostly because I wanted to be him. Right? Truly. I think it was then that I decided, adamantly, that I would be the things that so admired in Dr. Jain. If I could be all those things, well then I wouldn't have to feel so upset with never having the chance to know him.

An extreme resolution, maybe. But a great excuse to be great. Not that you ever need any sort of excuse for such a scheme. ;)

Well on a sort of similar note, I decided that I didn't want to put such pressures on whoever I was just depending on to be the Yin to my Yang. He could be the Yin or the Yang. I, however, decided that I would be happiest being both. That way he could even be neither and I'd still be okay. So what if I feel like I give people too many chances? Well I'm not going to depend on my future partner-in-crime to tell me when to nip one in the bud. I've isolated my personal problem, and now I'm going to fix it. How about that Yin?

So. I got up from bed and did my sit-ups. Of course, a six-pack on my sig-o (significant other, you can refer to the Lo Ling Lexicon on the side panel ;P ) is desirable, but I'm not going to depend on him for that. And another thing, I simply feel better about expecting things from others when I can hold myself to accountable for these things as well. Must be the justice-inspired libra in me.

So I did my crunches, and resolved that although I say I don't care how my future husband LOOKS--

I totally care how he feels..


Things that came up today:
  • a Cola float
  • Nelly "#1" on Nellyville
  • Jenny Lewis "Silver Lining"
  • "Sex and the City 2" Trailer
  • crunches

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

So "Hard" to deny-- Rihanna Reigns Queen

IT'S HERE! I must post before I host...

Well everyone knows I love Rihanna.
I won't list all the reasons why (although I wouldn't mind)-- but I'm not one completely blinded by love and I can see maybe some of you would find a few things on my list arguable.

That's fine. But here's one thing I dare you to argue--

I love Rihanna if not for anything else but the fact that she is a true fashionista/fashion icon/"rockin this sh*t like fashion"-- and this music video, I'm positive, is doing the runways prrroooud.

"Hard" is pretty much a lookbook in motion, actually I'd say it's an editorial-- Rihanna's devotion to couture clearly makes it so, and not only is it just the pieces, but the fact that she is the first to see the potential in these upcoming trends, embrace them, and make them all her own that makes me love her and LOVE "Hard"--the video (Naturally, I love the song as well).

The girl knows whats up and she owns it.

The December Issue of Harper's Bazaar just stated "White" and "Utilitarian Chic" as two of the five upcoming Spring trends--

Let's see we got some Mariacarla Boscono in white lace by Ricardo Tisci for Givenchy...

And Rihanna...

And then my least favorite trend, Utilitarian Chic (which to me is a nice way of addressing worn out looking khaki material, but it's growing on me, slightly. Eh.) But Rihanna works it:

Some Jean-Paul Gaultier

And some Rihanna:


How nervous did Rihanna make me when I caught a glimpse of THIS in the preview for the video--

At the time I had nothing to hint at me there was a flesh-toned body suit involved. But there was, as you saw in the previous video-still, and I could breathe easy.

And I thought the play on the usual under-eye war paint was brilliant.

And this next statement piece, the last I will point out was my absolute favorite-- since I love the zany--

The December 09 issue of German Vogue featured an editorial highlighting Chanel Iman rockin Minnie Mouse inspired headwear:

And as usual,
Rihanna's ON it--

And yet no matter how much one might argue RiRi is just following trends--the video is still all Rihanna. Bullet bra anyone? Bright pink lips? Come on now, that's my girl all the way.

Just followin' trends? Who says. This girl is clearly a trendSETTER:

Even Lindsay Lohan and Lili Allen took a pointer (pointer finger) ;p

So now Shh.

Things that came up today:
  • Dark Chocolate Truffles
  • Blastulation
  • "Crazy" KC & Jo Jo
  • "Get Buck in Here" DJ Felli Fel
  • How awesome would a cover of Gaga's "Paparazzi" by Rihanna be???

Monday, December 7, 2009

If you could have only one bottle of nail polish for the rest of your life, which color would it be?

The following was a question posted to me on my formspring.me account (totally fun!)

If you could have only one bottle of nail polish for the rest of your life, which color would it be?

I love this question! Not only because it has to do with nailpolish, but because I know it must have been a true friend of mine that would ask this question =)

...and it's a tough one! As much as I love bright and unconventional colors, I wouldn't want that for the rest of my life. I'd want a color that is just wild enough yet grounded enough for my nails to hold their own in almost every situation--whether it be a party or a med school interview.

So my first instinct was OPI's "Pink of Hearts"

After giving it a little more thought (picking one color of nailpolish to use for the rest of my life is a very important decision), I decided that as versatile Pink of Hearts is, after a while it would start to lack the excitement or edge that I'm usually drawn to unexpected colors for.

So, my thoughts then turned to a CoverGirl color I once had, "Rouge Coquet"--which I can't find anymore but this link gets the point across:
Edgy yet subtle, classy and versatile...


Apart from changing my nail color every so often, I've also adopted changing the nail shape. Short, long, square, round... and not all colors necessarily complement all nail shapes, in my opinion.

As much as I love Rouge Coquet, given the wrong time and place, if I were to wear that on long sharply rounded nails, I'm pretty sure the effect would be a little more dramatic than I would have gone for.

So at last, I will resolve happily to settle on a color such as Essie's "Steel-ing the Scene"

or Revlon's "Steel Her Heart"

to be the one for the rest of my life. I think it has it all--except a real "color", which I think would actually work out wonderfully in this case!

Great question!!

Ask me anything

Sunday, December 6, 2009

If you could turn into any astronaut from 1987, which would you turn into and why?

This was a question posted on my formspring account-- which I really appreciated because it forced me to learn something entirely new and RANDOM (my favorite!)

If you could turn into any astronaut from 1987, which would you turn into and why?

James S. Voss, because that is a spectacular last name and an excellent middle initial.

Ask me anything

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

The following was a question posted to me on my formspring.meaccount (totally fun!)

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

Congratulations! You've been chosen to be a hero. Go help a stranger!

Ask me anything

Friday, December 4, 2009

As if Google couldn't get any better

Thanks to Jo Dang for this one:

Google "Where is Chuck Norris?" and click on the "I'm feeling lucky" button, next to "Search". No need to ask any questions, just do it.

Enjoy. Or run. (You'll know what I mean by that)

Things that came up today:
  • my residents are funny
  • sticking tape on people's backs never gets old
  • if you want something done right, do it yourself
  • oversleeping
  • undereating
  • Queen "Under Pressure ft. David Bowie"
  • Ja Rule - "Mesmerize ft. Ashanti"