"You Only Live Once" video still; The Strokes

Your own personal jesus

Saturday, February 14, 2009


usually my posts are about my new findings regarding life

today its about love

eh, sort of.

I love Valentine's Day. And yes I am single.

Every year I have a new reason to love Valentine's Day.


This year, to me Valentine's Day is a, "Day for Heightened Realization About The Things And The People You Love."

Seeing as how that actually occurs to me at other spontaneous times during the year, (a couple of my best friends which have been a victim of this will know what I mean by this...) ;p Valentine's Day is more of a "Day for Heightened Realization About The Things And The People You Love-- and You Can Give Them Cards and Presents For It" instead of just my phonecall.

I'm trying to basically just segway (how do you spell that) into the purpose of my post, which is:

Valentine's Day Cards.

I've been facebook posting Valentine's Day Cards or greetings on certain known people's walls for whatever reason, and of course, each time I must find just the right card. As you must know I have very specific tastes which must be satiated. I have searched through the 41 pages of Google's results on "awesome valentine's day cards" to come up with the ones I liked. I could have gone through with the "repeat search with those omitted" but okay I don't love Valentine's Day THAT much. Some of the cards led me to discover some very inspiring design blogs, so I'll post those too. What's theirs is mine, and what's mine is yours, Valentine.

Have a good one.


  • L2 Design Collective:

more here.

  • som ee cards (hilarious-- this is the stuff you've seen popping up all over as Facebook Bumper Stickers)
more here.

  • rock scissor paper

more here.

  • KITSUNE NOIR (very cool blog)

  • toothepaste for dinner (funny here.)
  • Love Is... (Gocomics.com)

  • americangreetings.com (includes wallpapers, screensavers, etc.)

  • poppytalk

more here.

and now the random goodies:

(I would have written that one simply as "I Dig You"... ahah)

(this one you can see played out as a complete e-card about dirty spoons here.)

last but not least:

random interesting art/design blogs:
  • http://www.notcot.org/
  • http://www.katyelliott.com/blog/labels/artist.html
  • http://www.maryandmatt.net/2009/02/back_to_work.html
  • http://gallery.designrelated.com/

Friday, February 6, 2009

HELLO Kitty!


Get them at your local McDonald's